August 2022
Update from Our Founder Mike Williams The Moment I Knew it was a Success! This summer was another in a series of exciting success moments. This year I was able to see with my own eyes the second generation of students who have risen from poverty to become Christian leaders. Four years ago, we had 12 disciple leaders who prepared to help us lead the summer Bible Camps of 400 children. This year we had 75 student disciple leaders, and the level of quality is above and beyond with each passing year. Your partnership has made a difference. You can see for yourself on August 27 at 7pm when we livestream our new documentary. Subscribe to Youtube or Join our Facebook to get a reminder notification.
It was barely eight years ago when we had that first Bible Camp with 55 kids total, and this year we pre-registered over 1000 children for programs in four different village locations and our mountain church project. God is doing great work through you. I mean it when I say that. Our partners have been the wind beneath every wing. Yes, I know it is God, but even Jesus said that the Father honored every cup of cold water given in Jesus’ name or the name of His disciples (followers). So, quiet down and take your humble bow!!
I don’t know the success rate of the other missions, churches, and Christian endeavors you are supporting. But, I can tell you this one is busting at the seams with success. When many churches are closing their doors and speaking to empty rooms, your mission has completed the building of a new church and started another new church! We seek to break ground on a new church building that will seat 350 people.
Let me remind you that amid so many things happening on our world scene, don’t be distracted from what is successful. Of course, we want to help those sinking ships, but never at the cost of what IS working.
I encourage you to keep up your support and double down if possible. History has proven that your investments are working at this mission. On behalf of Daniel, Judith, and our entire team, I thank you for making this possible.
Mike Williams
PS: Let me get deep. I have worked in Evangelistic and Christian ministry for over 40 years. I have seen entire villages make public professions of faith (as seen in extensive group prayers for salvation). I know I can lead an outdoor revival tonight and encourage most of the crowd to pray my carefully worded Christian prayer. Tomorrow night a group that I would consider a cult could lead a crusade and have the same people who prayed with me pray their carefully worded prayer. Poor people will pray any prayer you suggest in hopes of waking up the following day healthy, wealthy, and in a different societal class. While I believe it all starts with a “Yes” to Jesus… please read on.
Jesus told us to go and make disciples. Making disciples is time-consuming. You can’t fly in, preach and leave, and have a mission accomplished. It requires living among the people, which is why all of your Cups missionaries live in the villages they serve. My words do not undermine the teams that come for a short-term visit. They are an incredible “piece” in the puzzle of kindness. Nevertheless, true discipleship in the Christian life takes face-to-face time. The most excellent teacher of all time (guess who?) took three years with His disciples before they were ready to function successfully on their own.
So, yes, in a glorious genuine report, I could tell you that we had over two hundred children raise their hands and pray out loud for first-time decisions and five hundred raise their hands for re-dedication. What matters to me is that in four years, we have gone from 12 disciple leaders (those who are helping disciple others) to 75 disciple leaders who are now helping disciple others. Success in Jesus’ name! If you want to JOIN THE STORY and keep things like this happening, click the DONATE button below to join the team. Thank you for your partnership!
Mike Williams Founder/Lead Missionary
Crossover Cups Mission
Our Contact Information
The Crossover Cups Mission 2607 Woodruff Rd Suite E #418,
Simpsonville, SC 29681