New to WAY Radio?

Here is something we would like you to know.

Radio is thought of as a one-way medium, meaning communication just goes one way, from us to you … but we don’t think that’s how it should be. We think of WAY Radio as a two-way medium, and how you communicate with us is by letting us know what you enjoy and what you don’t … what is helpful to you, and what’s not … We’ve set up a comment line that is always open for you … 904-572-0430

You might think that we don’t listen to your comments or that our mind is already made up, but the truth is, that we listen to every single comment that is left for us.  After all, we consider you family, and family listens to each other. 

So, let us know the good, the bad, and the in between from your perspective. 

The WAY Radio comment line is there for you at 904-572-0430